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  3. Item Lists for Elementor
  4. Element Setting Option
  5. Timeline Item Lists

Timeline Item Lists

Content Settings

These content setting options for Timeline Item Lists.

 Lists option

  1. Add Item: Click the add item button, and you will get a new item list.

List Items option

Click on any item list you will get these options.

  1. Title: You can set your List item title.
  2. Content: You can set your List item description.
  3. Icon: There are two options available. Select Elementor Icon or Use Custom Icon. If you don’t need to add any settings icon, then click the none option.
  4. Icon Color: Choose an icon color if you set an icon.
  5. Icon Background Color: Choose an icon background color if you set an icon.
  6. Link: You can add link for each item.

Style Settings

The content settings are divided into Six various sections.


  1. Direction: Here, you can select the icon direction.
  2. Content Padding: You can set content padding.
  3. Space Between Box: You can set the spacing between two item boxes.


  1. Timeline Color: Here, you can choose a color for the timeline.
  2. Timeline Width: Here, you can set a timeline width.
  3. Timeline Horizontal Width: You can set horizontal time width.
  4. Timeline Horizontal Spacing: You can set a horizontal timeline spacing.


  1. Icon Size: Here, you can set the icon size.
  2. Icon Box Size: You can set icon box size.
  3. Icon Box Radius: You can set the icon box radius.


  1. Image Width: If you set the image as an icon, you can set the image width.
  2. Radius: You can set the icon image box radius.


  1. Title Color: Here, you can set the title color here.
  2. Typography: You can set typography for your title.
  3. Title Spacing: You can set spacing for your title.


  1. Content Color: You can choose content font color.
  2. Typography: You can set typography for your content.
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