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WooCommerce Design

Item Settings

This content setting option for Woocommerce Design.


  1. Display No. of Product: You can select a number of Product to show.
  2. Show Image: You can show or hide an Image of Product.
  3. Image Size: You can select a size of Product Image.
  4. Show Title: You can To show or hide the Title of Product.
  5. Show Description:  You can hide, show short or full Description of Product.
  6. Show Sale Price:  Here, you can show or hide the Sale Price of Product.
  7. Show Regular Price:  Here, you can show or hide the Regular Price of Product.
  8. Show Rating: You can show or hide the rating of Product.
  9. Show Button: You can show or hide button.
  10. Show Custom Button: You can show or hide custom button text for different product.
  11. Simple Product Text: You can set the text of Simple Product Button.
  12. Grouped Product Text:  Here, you can set the text of Grouped Product Button.
  13. External/Affiliate Button Text: You can set the text of External/Affiliate Product Button.
  14. Variable Product Text:  Here, you can set the text of Variable Product Button.

Products Query

  1. Product Source: You can select product source like Best Selling, Top Rated, Sale and Recent product.
  2. Product Categories: You can select product categories.
  3. Exclude Above Categories:  Here, you can exclude or include product by selected categories.
  4. Product Tags: You can select product tags.
  5. Exclude Above Tags:  Here, you can exclude or include product by selected tags.
  6. Order By: You can show product by Order.
  7. Sort By: You can how product by Sort.

Product Source

  1. Recent Products:  You can show Recent Product from Product Source.
  2. Featured Products: You can show Featured or Favorite Product from Product Source.
  3. Best Selling Products:  You can show Best Selling Product from Product Source.
  4. Sale Products: You can show Sale Product from Product Source.
  5. Top Rated Products: You can show Top Rated Product from Product Source.

Style Settings

The content settings are divided into various sections.


  1. Item Background Color: Here, you can set the background color of item.
  2. Highlight Background Color: Here, you can set the background color of highlighted item.
  3. Highlight Border Color: Here, you can set the border color of highlighted item.
  4. Border Type:  You can set the border for item.
  5. Box Shadow:  You can set the box shadow for item.
  6. Item Border Radius:  You can set the border radius for item.
  7. Content Padding:  You can set the padding for item content.


  1. Image Border Radius: Here, you can set border radius for image.
  2. Border Type: You can select border type for image.


  1. Typography: Here, you can set typography for your title.
  2. Title Color: You can set the title color here.
  3. Title Spacing:  You can set spacing for your title.


  1. Typography: Here, you can set typography for your Description.
  2. Description Color: You can set the Description text color here.
  3. Description Spacing:  You can set spacing for your Description.


  1. Currency Symbol Position: You can set position of currency symbol.
  2. Regular Price Typography: You can set typography for your Regular price.
  3. Regular Price Color:  You can set the Regular Price color here.
  4. Price Line Through: You can set line through Regular price.
  5. Price Line Through Width:  You can set the width of line through for Regular price.
  6. Sale Price Typography: You can set typography for your Sale price.
  7. Sale Price Color:  You can set the Sale Price color here.
  8. Price Spacing: You can set spacing between sale price and regular price.


  1. Typography: You can set typography for button text.
  2. Button Spacing:  You can set spacing for your product Button.
  3. Toggle button:  You can select normal or hover by toggle button.
  4. Text Color:  You can set the text color for button here.
  5. Button Background Color:  You can set the background color for button.
  6. Border Type: Here, you can select border type for button.
  7. Border Radius:  Here, you can set border radius for button.
  8. Button Padding:  You can add padding for button .


  1. Icon Size: You can set the icon size.
  2. Icon color: You can set the icon color.
  3. Icon Background Color:  You can choose an icon background color.
  4. Border Type: You can select the icon border type.
  5. Icon Border Radius: Here, you can set the border radius for icon.
  6. Icon Padding:  Here, you can add padding for icon.


  1. Rating Spacing: You can set spacing for Rating.
  2. Rating Size: Here, you can set size of rating.
  3. Rating Color: You can set color of rating.
  4. Rating Fill Color: You can set color of fill rating.


  1. Label Typography: You can set typography for label text.
  2. Label Color: You can set the label color.
  3. Label Background Color:  You can choose an label background color.
  4. Border Type: You can select the label border type.
  5. Label Border Radius: Here, you can set the border radius for label.

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