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Tour Card

Content Settings

These content settings are divided into two distinct sections.

Tour Card Items

  1. Tour Card Style: Select a card style to your favorite Tour Card design. Plus, style 1 to 5 is ready for selection.
  2. Place Name: Write the name of a Tour place. That might be your favorite Tour place.
  3. Tour Image: Choose a Tour image to showcase your tour.
  4. Background Overlay: Choose a Tour image background overlay to showcase your tour.
  5. Cost: Write the cost of the tour for a specific tour place.
  6. Add Sale Tag: Show or hide the sale tag for a tour card.
  7. Add Sale Text: Add sale text for a tour card.
  8. Sale Background: You can choose the background color of the Tour Card Sale tag.
  9. Alignment: You can set Alignment for a Tour Card tag.
  10. Sale Text Color: You can choose the Text color for a Tour Card Sale text.
  11. Border-Radius: Set the border-radius for a Sale tag.
  12. Typography: Customize your font family. Font size, weight, transform, style, decoration, and line-height for a Tour Sale tag.
  13. Sale Icon: Choose Sale Icon for a Tour Sale tag.
  14. Icon Color: Choose Sale Icon color for a Tour Sale tag.
  15. Icon Size: Set the Sale Icon Size for a Tour Sale tag.
  16. Days Icon: Choose Days Icon for a Tour.
  17. Days: Write the days for the tour.
  18. Person Icon: Choose Person Icon for a Tour.
  19. Persons: Write a number, how many people capacities on tour.
  20. Guide Icon: Choose a guide Icon for a Tour.
  21. Guides: Write the guide’s detail for the tour.
  22. WhatsApp Share: Show or hide the WhatsApp Share icon with the Tour Card.
  23. Display Description: Show or hide the Tour description with the Tour Card.
  24. Description: You can write something about your tour.


  1. Button Text: Write the button-text for more information in a tour.
  2. URL (link): Set the button Url (Link) to redirect to other pages for more Tour Card information.

Style Settings

These contents settings are divided into six various sections.


  1. Color: You can set the Icon color for the Tour icon.


  1. Alignment: You can set Alignment for a Tour name.
  2. Text Color: Choose a text color for a Tour name.
  3. Typography: Customize your font family. Font size, weight, transform, style, decoration, and line-height for a Tour name.
  4. Border Type: Select a border type to decorate the Tour name field with border style – Solid, Double, Dotted, Dashed, and as well as Groove.
  5. Border-Radius: Set the border-radius for px.


  1. Alignment: You can set Alignment for a Tour Cost.
  2. Text Color: Choose a text color for a Tour Cost.
  3. Typography: Customize your font family. Font size, weight, transform, style, decoration, and line-height for a Tour Cost.


  1. Text Color: Choose a text color for Tour text details.
  2. Typography: Customize your font family. Font size, weight, transform, style, decoration, line-height, and as well as for a Tour text details.
  3. Background Color: Choose the Background Color for details. 


  1. Alignment: You can set Alignment for a Tour description.
  2. Text Color: Choose a text color for a Tour description.
  3. Typography: Customize your font family. Font size, weight, transform, style, decoration, line-height, and as well as for a Tour description.


  1. Border Type: Select a border type to decorate the Tour button with border style – Solid, Double, Dotted, Dashed, and as well as Groove.
  2. Width: Set the Border width for the Tour button.
  3. Color: Choose the Border color for the Tour button.
  4. Border-Radius: Set the border-radius for px.
  5. Typography: Customize your font family. Font size, weight, transform, style, decoration, line-height, and as well as for a Tour text button.
  6. Normal: Choose the Normal option to customize a Text color, Background-color for a Tour button.
  7. Hover: Choose the Hover option when hovering on Text color, Background-color, Border-color for a Tour button.
  8. Box Shadow: Customize your box-shadow color, Horizontal, Vertical, Blur, Spread, and position inside or outside for a Tour button.
  9. Padding: You can increase or decrease button padding to set a padding gap of the Tour button.


  1. Padding: You can increase or decrease padding to set the gap for a Tour Card.
  2. Background Color: You can choose the background color of the Tour Card content-box.
  3. Border Type: Select a border type to decorate Tour Card with border style – Solid, Double, Dotted, Dashed, and as well as Groove.
  4. Border-Radius: Set the border-radius for px.
  5. Box Shadow: Customize your box-shadow color, Horizontal, Vertical, Blur, Spread, and position for inside or outside for a Tour card content-Box.

Advanced Settings

These advanced settings options give the extra useful feature to manage Tour Card.

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