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Testimonial Card

Content Settings

These content settings divided into two distinct sections.

Testimonial Card Items

  1. Select Resource Type: You can choose a resource type. Whether you want to create testimonial data yourself and fetch it from our pre-defined custom post type – ‘CEP Testimonial.’
  2. Select Post Type: You can choose a custom post type from the ready post type list selection. This only available if the resource type is selected as ‘Post Type.’
  3. Card Style: You can select a card style to select your favorite testimonial card design. Plus, styles 1 to 10 are available for selection.
  4. Columns: You can select many columns to showcase the testimonial card. As well as, this only available if the resource type is selected as ‘Post Type.’
  5. Display No. of Posts: You can write a number for the number of posts. That you want to show as testimonial items. As well as, this only available if the resource type is selected as ‘Post Type.’
  6. Name: You can write the name of a person that might be your team member’s name.
  7. Position: You can write the position of the person that showcases their profile’s value.
  8. Display Testimonial Description: You can show or hide the testimonial description with the testimonial card.
  9. Description: You can write something about that person’s biography.
  10. Profile Image: You can choose a profile image to showcase your team member profile.


  1. Display Rating: You can show or hide the rating with the testimonial card.
  2. Rating Scale: You can select a rating scale to showcase to the bottom of the testimonial card.
  3. Rating: You can write a rating star to showcase a rating star with a rating count.
  4. Icon: You can select an icon library – Font Awesome or Unicode.
  5. Unmarked Style: You can choose an icon for rating star-marked and as well as unmarked style.
  6. Title: You can write a title to showcase a rating from a source or reason for the rating.
  7. Alignment: You can select alignment with the content. Like left, center and right align.


This advanced section is only available if you are getting testimonial data from a custom post-type selection.

  1. Order By: You can select the order by date, title, ID, and as well as random for testimonial loop.
  2. Sory By: You can select sorting order as Ascending and as well as Descending.
  3. Offset: You can write the input number to skip many testimonial posts from the loop starting the first item.

Style Settings

These content settings are divided into six distinct sections.


  1. Grid Gap: You can set space between testimonial items within a single raw.
  2. Rows Gap: You can set space between multiple raws.
  3. Typography: Here, you can customize your font family. Font size, weight, transform, style, decoration, and line-height for a profile name field.


  1. Alignment: You can set an alignment for a testimonial name field.
  2. Text Color: Here, you can choose a text color for a testimonial name field.
  3. Typography: Plus, you can customize your font family. Font size, weight, transform, style, decoration, line-height, and as well as for a testimonial name field.


  1. Alignment: Here, you can set alignment for a testimonial designation field.
  2. Text Color: You can choose a text color for a testimonial designation field.
  3. Typography: You can customize your font family. Font size, weight, transform, style, decoration, and line-height for a testimonial designation field.


  1. Alignment: You can set alignment for a testimonial description field.
  2. Text Color: You can choose a text color for a testimonial description field.
  3. Typography: Here, you can customize your font family. Font size, weight, transform, style, decoration, and line-height for a testimonial description field.

Content Box Style

  1. Background Color: You can choose the background color of the testimonial card content-box.


  1. Size: The set size of review stars in px.
  2. Spacing: You can set review star spacing in px.
  3. Color: Here, you can choose a color for review stars.
  4. Unmarked Color: You can choose a color for an unmarked review star.

Advanced Settings

These advanced settings options give the extra useful feature to manage testimonial cards.

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