Content Settings
These content settings divided into two distinct sections.
Testimonial Card Items
- Select Resource Type: You can choose a resource type. Whether you want to create testimonial data yourself and fetch it from our pre-defined custom post type – ‘CEP Testimonial.’
- Select Post Type: You can choose a custom post type from the ready post type list selection. This only available if the resource type is selected as ‘Post Type.’
- Card Style: You can select a card style to select your favorite testimonial card design. Plus, styles 1 to 10 are available for selection.
- Columns: You can select many columns to showcase the testimonial card. As well as, this only available if the resource type is selected as ‘Post Type.’
- Display No. of Posts: You can write a number for the number of posts. That you want to show as testimonial items. As well as, this only available if the resource type is selected as ‘Post Type.’
- Name: You can write the name of a person that might be your team member’s name.
- Position: You can write the position of the person that showcases their profile’s value.
- Display Testimonial Description: You can show or hide the testimonial description with the testimonial card.
- Description: You can write something about that person’s biography.
- Profile Image: You can choose a profile image to showcase your team member profile.
- Display Rating: You can show or hide the rating with the testimonial card.
- Rating Scale: You can select a rating scale to showcase to the bottom of the testimonial card.
- Rating: You can write a rating star to showcase a rating star with a rating count.
- Icon: You can select an icon library – Font Awesome or Unicode.
- Unmarked Style: You can choose an icon for rating star-marked and as well as unmarked style.
- Title: You can write a title to showcase a rating from a source or reason for the rating.
- Alignment: You can select alignment with the content. Like left, center and right align.
This advanced section is only available if you are getting testimonial data from a custom post-type selection.
- Order By: You can select the order by date, title, ID, and as well as random for testimonial loop.
- Sory By: You can select sorting order as Ascending and as well as Descending.
- Offset: You can write the input number to skip many testimonial posts from the loop starting the first item.
Style Settings
These content settings are divided into six distinct sections.
- Grid Gap: You can set space between testimonial items within a single raw.
- Rows Gap: You can set space between multiple raws.
- Typography: Here, you can customize your font family. Font size, weight, transform, style, decoration, and line-height for a profile name field.
- Alignment: You can set an alignment for a testimonial name field.
- Text Color: Here, you can choose a text color for a testimonial name field.
- Typography: Plus, you can customize your font family. Font size, weight, transform, style, decoration, line-height, and as well as for a testimonial name field.
- Alignment: Here, you can set alignment for a testimonial designation field.
- Text Color: You can choose a text color for a testimonial designation field.
- Typography: You can customize your font family. Font size, weight, transform, style, decoration, and line-height for a testimonial designation field.
- Alignment: You can set alignment for a testimonial description field.
- Text Color: You can choose a text color for a testimonial description field.
- Typography: Here, you can customize your font family. Font size, weight, transform, style, decoration, and line-height for a testimonial description field.
Content Box Style
- Background Color: You can choose the background color of the testimonial card content-box.
- Size: The set size of review stars in px.
- Spacing: You can set review star spacing in px.
- Color: Here, you can choose a color for review stars.
- Unmarked Color: You can choose a color for an unmarked review star.
Advanced Settings
These advanced settings options give the extra useful feature to manage testimonial cards.