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Post Card

Content Settings

These content settings are splits into two various sections.

Post Layout

  1. Post Card Style: Select a card style to select your favorite postcard design. Plus, style 1, 2, or 6 is ready for selection.
  2. Columns: Select several columns to showcase posts.
  3. Display No. of Posts: Write a number for the number of posts. That you want to show as post items.
  4. Image Size: Select an image size from the default available image size list. (Note: Plugin gives one more image size as ‘Cep Post Card Thumb’).
  5. Show Title: Show or hide a post title with the postcard showcase.
  6. Title HTML Tag: Select a header tag for a post title, where options are available from H1 to H6, span, div, and p tag.
  7. Excerpt: Show or hide post excerpt with the postcard showcase.
  8. Excerpt Length: Write a length in several words to showcase post content.
  9. Excerpts From: Choose a source for the excerpt – Post Excerpt or Post Content (Note: If post excerpt empties, then post content selected as default source).
  10. Read More: Show or hide read more text with the postcard showcase.
  11. Read More Text: Write your read more text. It may be Read More’, ‘Continue Reading,’ ‘Go to Reading,’ etc.
  12. Show Meta Data: Show or hide post metadata information with the postcard showcase.
  13. Meta Data: Select which post metadata information that wants to showcase on the frontend, where selections are available ‘Author,’ ‘Date,’ ‘Comments,’ ‘Tags.’


  1. Categories: Select categories to filter posts (Note: Make empty this selection to show all posts without any category filtration).
  2. Exclude Above Categories: Yes or No. To decide whether to exclude posts from the above-selected categories.
  3. Tags: Select tags to filter post (Note: Make empty this selection to show all post without any tag filtration)
  4. Exclude Above Tags: Yes or No. To decide whether to exclude posts from the above-selected tags.
  5. Author: Select the author to filter the posts. (Note: Make empty this selection to show all posts without any author filtration).
  6. Exclude Above Authors: Yes or No to decide whether to exclude posts from the above-selected author.
  7. Offset: Write the input number to skip some posts from the loop starting the first item.
  8. Order By: Select order by date, title, ID, and random for post loop.
  9. Sory By: Select sorting order as Ascending or Descending.

Style Settings

These content settings divide into four distinct sections.


  1. Grid Gap: Set space between cards.
  2. Rows Gap: Set space between card rows.
  3. Alignment: Set default alignment for a postcard.


  1. Border Radius: Set a border-radius in px or %
  2. CSS Filters: Choose options for the normal and as well as Hover effect.

Background Color

  1. Category Color: Choose a color for post category background.
  2. Date Color: Choose a color for post date background.
  3. Content Box Color: Choose a color for post content-box background.


  1. Color (Date): Choose a color for the post date.
  2. Color (Category): Choose a color for the post category.
  3. Hover Color (Category): Choose a hover color for the post category.
  4. Typography (Category): Choose typography options to decorate the post category.
  5. Spacing (Category): Set spacing between the category and the next field.
  6. Color (Title): Choose a color for a post title.
  7. Hover Color (Title): Choose a hover color for a post title.
  8. Typography (Title): Choose typography options to decorate post title.
  9. Spacing (Title): Set spacing between title and next field.
  10. Color (Excerpt): Choose a color for the post excerpt.
  11. Typography (Excerpt): Choose typography options to decorate post excerpts.
  12. Spacing (Excerpt): Set spacing between excerpt and as well as the next field.
  13. Color (Read More): Choose a color to read more text.
  14. Typography (Read More): Choose typography options to decorate read more text.
  15.  Icon Color (Meta): Choose a color for post meta.
  16. Text Color (Meta): Choose a color for post meta.
  17. Typography (Meta): Choose typography options to decorate post meta.
  18. Spacing (Meta): Set spacing between post meta and next field.

Advanced Settings

These advanced settings options give the extra useful feature to manage postcards.

Tags ,

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